Let me make this clear, the writer of 999 knows something you do not.
Originally a insanely highly acclaimed cult classic on the DS, 999 takes seemingly unrelated real life experiments, theories, and philosophies then combines them into a complete comprehensible picture. There are no black and white characters, every single one is the kindest person you ever met and the sickest, cruelest person you will ever meet. With a true ending so mind blowing, a final revelation so absolutely shocking it will be a part of you for the rest of your life and forever on your mind for weeks.
When all said and done you will swear you know something about the world and the humanity that populates it not a single person around you could even comprehend.
Go every route and feast on every detail and when all said and done keep 999 close to your heart. It is a part of you now.
DerekWEZ about 999: The Novel, v1.0